General information

Country flag

Official designation
Republic of India
Capital and Gov. location
New Delhi
Head of State
Ram Nath Kovind
Prime Minister
Narendra Modi (BJP)
Political system
Federal Republic; Parlamentarian Democracy 
3 287 590 km2 (7th in th World)
1 210 193 422 (2nd in the World, 2011)
Population density
329 inhab/km2
Predominant religion
Hinduism, 79,8%; Islamism, 14,2%; Christianism, 2,3%; Sikhism, 1,7%; Budhism, 0,7%; 
Jainism, 0,4%; Others, 0,9%
Official language
English and Hindi on the Legal and Administrative Systems. Each State has its own Official Language
Indian Rupee (INR)
GDP at market prices
US$ 7.965 Trillions (World Nr. 3, 2015)
GDP per capita
US$ 1.617 (World Nr. 143, 2015)


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